Got another update for you today on some cool things we’ve shipped, and some other things that are in the works but shipping soon!
Since the Tailwind UI site templates and all-access release back in June we’ve been doing a lot of maintenance-focused stuff, like processing over 350 GitHub issues and pull requests and updating all of the new templates we released to use Next.js 12.2 and the new next/future/image component.
We did find time to ship a few new things in there too though!
About a week ago we shipped a brand new Tailwind UI template, built with Next.js and (of course) Tailwind CSS.
We’re calling it Pocket, and it’s a mobile app landing page loaded with tons of fun animations and interactions, powered by Framer Motion which is basically the coolest library anyone has ever made.
We’ve got a bunch of cool stuff in the works that will be coming out in the next few weeks:
So look for another update in a couple weeks with a bunch more stuff! With the big templates/all-access release behind us I’m excited to switch gears from creating brand new products and spend the rest of the year focused on making Tailwind CSS and Headless UI even better, and adding tons of awesome new stuff to Tailwind UI.
Got another update for you today on some cool things we’ve shipped, and some other things that are in the works but shipping soon!
Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for class names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file.
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